Plot Math Novel Template


Structure your novel for success with this plot math template.

Here's the secret: there is math in writing.

Did you know that there is an expected word count for a book, and that it can vary by genre? Agents will know it. Editors and publishers will know it, too. Writers need to know the expected word count for their manuscript.

So how does that translate into a writing strategy? Plot math can give writers a framework upon which to build their manuscripts. No more long-winded book openings or finales that just won't end. Writers need to know exactly how long to linger in each act of their novel.

Learn more about the craft of plot math from author Matt Cricchio.

Resource Download Instructions:

Download Template (Excel)

Google Doc Download:

1. Click this Google Doc template link
2. Sign into your Google account (or create one)
3. Click File > Make a Copy
4. Rename and save a copy to your local Drive

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This free plot math template is built using a traditional 3-act novel structure and assumes a total word count of 96,000 words.